blogging about your plasma related presentations @ akademy
Aaron J. Seigo
2010-06-24 20:41:42 UTC
hi everyone ...

if you will be giving a presentation at akademy on a plasma related topic (i
see several, includign during the BoF days), can you please blog about over
the next few days to raise awareness of the presentations? this will ensure
the highest possible turnout.

also, i only see 3 people still for the plasma lightening talks:


now, you know how i am ... ;) if you don't put your name there and you've been
working on something, i will end up coming around to gently remind you /
harrass you endlessly to get a presentation together for it. it does not need
to be a big topic. it can be something small, something interesting (if even
just to you :) ... basically it's a chance to give people who want a wide
selection of plasma related stuff to see the scope of what we're up to.
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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