Post by Anton KreuzkampAs Aaron said it's not really difficult and doesn't require workarounds.
Real workarounds and hacks are needed when you need to decide which tasks
should be grouped with specified launcher. ;-)
Post by Anton KreuzkampWhere to put the config?
-put the config into libtaskmanager
-put the config into the applet and provide addLauncher/removeLauncher methods
I would add kind of method which takes QStringList. Each entry would
include path to launcher .desktop file.
That list should be in applet configuration, to have bigger flexibility.
The next problem is where to display tasks without launchers (should be
always added on right side - but what with users who want to have some
launchers on left, other tasks in the middle and some special launchers on
right side?), where should be shown entry resulting from connecting task
with launcher (should replace launcher place or be added like new entries
- and what to do if grouping by application is disabled and we have two
instances of that application?).
It can all be hard coded and not configurable, but there will be always
people who want to customize it to fit their needs.
If you have questions about methods of determining which task should be
connected to which launcher etc. you can ask me (Fancy Tasks developer) or
check sources of my applet or Daisy (both have some similarities in this
Best regards,